Ivanna Velasquez

Ivanna Velasquez


Squat: 285

Deadlift: 308

C&J: 165


CrossFit Level 1 & 2

CrossFit Kids Autism Fitness Trainer

About Coach

Born and raised in Watsonville. I’ve always been an active person. When I was younger I played sports all year around. I played tennis, basketball, softball, track, and field. After high school, I need something challenging and fun. I found out Watsonville was opening a CrossFit gym. I practically joined opening day. I also enjoy other times of exercise from hiking, dancing, and yoga. I am open to trying all types of fitness. Since I joined CrossFit, I’ve made many connections and friends that helped me pursue my coaching career. I’ve been coaching for about 10 years in and out of the CrossFit gym.

Turning Point

Motivation & Passion

I really care about my community. Watsonville means so much to me. I want to help others create healthy habits. Help others see that exercise isn’t a chore, that it’s a therapeutic tool that could change more than just your body but also your mind. From children to adults, I am here to help you fall in love with fitness and help you reach your full potential.

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